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Good Dads Podcast

Oct 26, 2022

We talk with Dr Mike Dawson, the Executive Director of Instruction at Branson Public Schools, about the role of fathers and education and being an educated role model to our children.

Oct 19, 2022

We talk with Devon Magruder, a driver for Prime, about how he communicates with his family and maintains a strong relationship while he is on the road.

Sep 30, 2022

We welcome back Brian Mattson and Drew Dilisio to the studio, who both have two younger children. These dads share their journeys in family dynamics, routines, and encouraging siblings to get along.

These fathers first joined us on the podcast as brand-new dads, and now they're juggling being dads of two: From poor...

Sep 19, 2022

We talk to Mike Nissley, a driver for Prime Trucking, about health and fitness while on the road. Mike talks about Prime's program with "nutrition and truckers" and his website

Sep 12, 2022

This week we reach back into the Good Dads archives to bring you this conversation with Josh Fanning, who was a new dad at the time. Originally recorded in September 2022, Josh came to the studio to join us in a wide-ranging conversation about being a dad to an observant and curious 11-month old. From baby-proofing the...