May 31, 2018
What do you do when your child acts out in a public setting or acts in a way that causes you embarrassment? Hear some strategies in this podcast with Dr. Baker and Josh-the-Dad.
May 24, 2018
Parenting in public can be stressful and frustrating. Josh-the-Dad and Dr. Baker talk about how to control the temptation to over-control, overlook, or over-react to childish misbehavior in public
May 17, 2018
Not all drivers drive over the road. In this podcast, Dr. Baker & Josh-the-Dad talk with Prime Driver, John Ogren, who drives a tanker hauling food grade products in the upper Midwest.
May 8, 2018
Our conversation continues with author, Dr. Warren Farrell, about his book, “The Boy Crisis”. In this episode we learn about a parenting conversation Dr. Ferrell had with John Lennon as well as practical information we can use with our children.
May 2, 2018
Dr. Baker and Josh-the-Dad discuss the book, “The Boy Crisis”, with author Warren Ferrell.